A wild problem:
The Danish public school

Larger class sizes, challenges with teaching quality and inclusion, complex task portfolios and 20% of graduating classes without basic literacy and numeracy skills. There have been plenty of problems in primary schools in recent years, but solutions have often been lacking.  

In 2021, a number of key players in the primary school sector launched the partnership Together for Schools. Through the partnership, the actors work to change the status quo and deliver good, sustainable solutions for the Danish primary school. 

A Gordian knot:

Reform fatigue and distrust

After the 2014 public school reform, it became clear that the collaboration between the different parties in the public school sector was characterized by deep distrust. The reform entailed significant and major changes to be delivered by primary schools. The problem was that schools and teachers had not experienced sufficient involvement in the reform and therefore could not make sense of the politicians' ambitions.    

Together for School was launched after it became clear to the parties that a balance had to be found. Public schools needed time and peace to find their footing after the reform. Teachers, educators, students, school leaders, parents, municipalities and politicians all agreed that this balance required a new kind of collaboration.


A new direction

The Together for Schools partnership was launched as an ambitious new conversation and development program, where all major school policy initiatives are discussed with school stakeholders prior to political decisions. The partnership discusses both the school's challenges and opportunities. The aim is to create concrete and real proposals for change that can serve as a foundation for discussions in Parliament. The partnership meant that primary and lower secondary schools were given time and peace of mind to find their footing after the reform, while at the same time working to develop the school based on research and knowledge from practice. At the heart of the partnership is a more open and unbiased exchange of views on problems, ideas and initiatives, where good ideas are given the opportunity to develop on a small scale, results are evaluated and the best ideas are shared with the rest of the school world. At the same time, politicians committed to keeping a firm grip on reform and respecting professionalism.   

The policy contractors  

Sammen om Skolen is a national discussion and development program, and there are many players involved: Kommunernes Landsforening, Skolelederforeningen, Danmarks Lærerforening, Børne- og Ungdomspædagogernes Landsforbund, Børne- og Kulturchefforeningen, Skole og Forældre, Danske Skoleelever, Regeringen and Folkeskoleforligskredsen.  

The partnership meets 4-6 times a year. In the beginning, this required a huge willingness to cooperate from the stakeholders, who were largely more used to fighting each other than working together. Over time, however, the different starting points of the players have become a strength for the partnership.  

If you want to know more about Together at School, visit the Danish Union of Teachers herewhere you can also listen to a podcast about the challenges of public schools.