A wild problem: Young people without jobs and education

There are approximately 42,500 young people aged 15-24 in Denmark who have no connection to either education or the labor market. Although this has long been a well-known problem, there has been little success in reducing this group of young people with unrealized potential. 

The consequences are many: For the individual, it can mean poorer life opportunities and disconnection from society's communities. For society, it can mean a loss of resources at a time when more hands are needed in the labor market, and rising costs for social initiatives without significant effect. 

In 2022, SUS - Social Development Center involved 122 young people from different parts of the country in a collective engagement process to learn more about young people's perspectives on their challenges with school and youth life, and to gain insight into young people's own suggestions on how to overcome them. The project meant that SUS actually succeeded in creating a basis for systemic change.

A Gordian knot:

An eternal problem

The challenge of the large group of young people with untapped potential has been around for decades. In fact, there is a solid knowledge base and many facts about young people with unfulfilled potential. Generally speaking, these young people are often in difficult life situations, without solid and healthy communities, and the pathways through the education system are far from matching their needs.  

However, this knowledge has not been sufficient as a basis for action. SUS therefore decided to approach the challenges differently and focus on systemic changes to the existing framework and initiatives. Experience-based knowledge based on the young people themselves is needed if the problem is to be tackled effectively. 


Start with those who have the experience

SUS decided to start with the experts on the problem - the young people themselves - and let them contribute with new perspectives, understandings and priorities. They involved 122 young people from Greater Copenhagen, Odsherred, Middelfart and Esbjerg. The young people's experiences, knowledge and analytical capacity were given a central place in the work towards a solution.  

SUS held 'storytelling camps' where young people could share personal experiences about finding their way to education and jobs, and they have helped found the partnership "A Road For All", where they have, among other things, prepared an input based on the experiences of the young people involved to inspire the work of the Reform Commission. The aim of the input and the partnership is to push decision-makers in the area in a new direction so that fundamental changes can be made to the current system. SUS firmly believes that it is not the young people with unrealized potential that are the problem, but that it is the structures, norms and approaches in the system around young people that need to be tackled.

The policy contractors  

SUS - Social Development Center is a non-profit social project and knowledge center. In close collaboration with citizens and professionals, they develop new, strong social solutions.  

For example, the partnership En Vej Til Alle is a collaboration between SUS, Bikubenfonden, Foreningen Modstrøm, Akademiet for Social Innovation and Mobilize Strategy Consult. SUS also collaborates with municipalities and other actors with a number of projects in the field.  

If you want to know more about SUS - Social Development Center you can visit them here.