Dive into the letter pile: Young people wrote letters to themselves in the future

In the dark Peasant Room at Christiansborg, the young people sat immersed in their thoughts. They wrote letters to their future selves - letters filled with hopes, dreams and fear of the unknown.

They did this to practice being concrete about the future. The task of writing a letter to themselves in 2040 aimed to get them into the future mindset.

The future is not something we wait for, it is something we create. But if we are to succeed in creating it, we also need to become more aware of what we want and what we would rather avoid.

You will have the opportunity to read a selection of the letters, where there is a complex mix of expectation and anxiety. Young people talk about hopes of success, self-knowledge and personal development, but in the shadow of these hopes lies a fear - of failing, of losing, of not living up to our own or others' expectations.

One writes the following introduction.

"Dear you in 2040. In 2040, I am 34 years old. Did we make it through the battle? Both the personal and the big AI debate? I hope I have completed high school. I hope I've overcome my fears and found myself. I hope I've met my inner self - and maybe even Tessa. I hope I'm preoccupied with family life and not with societal problems."

If you want to read more of the young people's future letters, you can open the mailbox below:


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